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A local history and genealogy site for Wimpole, a village and parish in South Cambridgeshire
Curated by Steve Odell

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Wimpole Wills (Page One)
Research by Simon Damant and Sarah Dawson
A local history and genealogy page for the Parish of Wimpole.
Index to Wimpole Wills 1499-1852 (.docx)
Index to Wimpole Wills 1499-1852 (.pdf)
The above list is not complete. I have copies of some of the 173 wills listed, either as a transcription or as an image. Please contact me with your interest and I will e-mail a copy of the file if available. See the Wimpole Will Index for Wills available on this website.
Wills researched by Simon Damant and Sarah Dawson
(a) Dates are when the Wills were proven, not necessarily the year of death.
(b) Old original documents can be difficult to transcribe, and early spellings can be somewhat imaginative, so the transcriptions as given may be incomplete.
(c) The Wills below are listed alphabetically by surname.
Will transcriptions on this page:
- Philip Arbor, Farmer, 1845.
- James Bennett, Yeoman, 1797.
- Anne Clarke, Widow, 1815.
- Joseph Cracknell, Victualler, 1805.
- William Godfrey, Yeoman, 1705.
- Martha Kefford, [and John Kefford], 1810.
- Elizabeth Kirby, Widow, 1781.
- Mary Robinson, 1826.
- William Waterman, 1706.
- Thomas Woodcock, Yeoman, 1758.
Philip Arbor, Farmer, 1845. [Document]
"This is the Last Will and Testament of Mr Philip Arbor of Wimpole in the County of Cambridge ffarmer and being of sound and disposing mind and memory I declare this to be my last and only will and I appoint my friend John Tebbit of Streetham my son John Arbor of Wimpole and my friend Charles Clark? of Newmarket? executors and trustees for this my will and I give unto my three executors before mentioned all my estate at Tooting in Surry in trust for them to let it in the best way that they can and the money that rise from the rents to be paid in the following way that is to say five pounds p year to my* grand daughter Elizar Betsey Strong and five pounds to my grand daughter Carline Rodan Arbor and the remainder part of the letings for my executors to provide for my son Philip Arbor in such a way as they think proper but not to pay -- debts and after my son Philip Arbor depart this life I order & divize my executors to sell my Tooting estate in the best way they can and the money that rise from the sale after paying all expenses to be equal divided between my five grand children John Cooper Arbor, Elizar Betsey Strong, Aaron Dewy Arbor, William Arbor, & Carline Rodan Arbor share & share equal and if any are dead to their children if any.
"I give to my son John Arbor the -------- of my ffarm all the live and dead stock and crop and all my farming ----------- and all my household furniture bed ------- household fixtures ------------ and all my household effects and I give my son John Arbor to pay to my son Philip Arbor thirty pounds, to my son Wm Arbor forty pounds and to my grandaughter Mary Ann Lemon thirty pounds and divide all my old silver spoons and all the silver and all the old china equal between Philip John William & Mary Ann Lemon.
"I give to my son Wm Arbor all my lotment of copyhold land in Burwell field for his own use and purpose I give to my son Wm Abor all my two lotments of copyhold land in Burwell fen for the time of his life and he is not to sell his life in the land nor raise turf if he do he forfeits the land to them.
"I give it to after his death and after my son Wm Arbor departs this life I order and desire my executors to sell the two lotments of land one by the road side and the other in the second drove in the best way they can and the money that rises from the sale after paying expenses to be equally divided between all my grand children then ------- & if any are dead to their children if any.
"I give to my son Wm Arbor all my freehold land in Burwell fen for the time of his life and he is not to sell his life in the land nor dig nor raise no turf if he do he forfeits the land to then that.
"I give it to after his death and after my son Wm Arbor departs this life I give the lotment of freehold land & the ------- that joins it to my grandson Aaron Dewey Arbor for his own use and after my son Wm Arbor departs this life.
I give the lotment of freehold land and the --------- that joinets it next Burwell town to my grandson William Arbor for his own use and my son Wm Arbor is not to dig nor raise no turf not yet sell his life in the land if he do he forfeits the land to them that I have given the land to after him.
"I give to my son Wm Arbor my gigg horse for his own use & I give to my grandaughter Stracy? Ann Lemon all my --------- & hill house and premises at Toft Cambridgeshire for her life and a -- her the present husband nor no futer husband is to have any -----over it she to receive the rent with her own hand and give a reciet for the same and after my grandaughter Stracy Ann Lemon departs this life.
"I give the ------- & hill house and premises to my grate grandaughter ------- Stracy Ann Lemon one hundred and fifty pounds that is at ------ -------- my son John Arbor on a note for her life & ---- the ------ husband nor futer husband and is to have nay -------- over it --- is to recieve interest & give a reciets for the same & ------- my grandaughter Stracy Ann Lemo n departs this life.
"I give the one hundred & fifty pounds to be equally divided between my two grate grandsons William Charles Arbor, & John Arbor Lemon share & share equal and all interest and rent that is due to be paid to them that I have given the property to.
"I give to my grandson Philip ------- Arbor depart this life before that he is twenty one years do as then I order & devise my executors to sell all my------ estate in the best way & the money that arises from the sale after paying all expenses to be equally divided between all my grandchildren then living & if any are dead to their children if any I give to my son William Arbor one hundred pounds.
"I give to my grandchildren Aaron Dewey Arbor one hundred pounds.
"I give to my grandson John Cooper Arbor fifty pounds.
"I give to my grandaughter Elizar Betsey Arbor fifty pounds.
"I give to my grandaughter Carline Rodon Arbor fifty pounds this money to be paid six months after my funeral to all that are twenty one year old & them that are paid after to recieve interest & I order & devise my son John Arbor to have the full ---------- of my ------ & -- the ---------.
"I order & devize my grandson Philip ------ Arbor to pay to my grandson William Arbor fifty pounds ----------- he is at the age of twenty one years & pay him interest ----- that time out of my ---------- estate.
"I order & devize my executors to place out at interest all money that may happen to my grandaughter Stracy Ann Lemon under the power of my will for the time of her life and after she departs this life to be -------- divided between all her children & for her to receive the interest till then -------- I mean she ------ money.
"I order & devize my son John Arbor to pay out of my stock & crop & farming u tencils? five hundred pounds to my seven grandchildren in his life time or when he departs this life share & share equal to the seven now living and if any are dead to their children if any.
= Philip Arbor =
"Signed in the presence of us this 26th day of -------- 1845 William Snow? Mary -------- witnesses
James Bennett, Yeoman, 1797. [Document] [Buried at Wimpole 1795 as 'Bennet']
"This is the last will and testament of Mr James Bennett of Wimple in the County of Cambridge yeoman ffirst I give and bequeath unto my son James Bennett the sum of ffive hundred pounds to be paid him at his age of twenty one years but if he shall dye before that time without issue and unmarried then I give the said ffive hundred unto my own next of kin of my own blood according to the statute of distribution also I give and bequeath unto my sister Sarah ---------- of Littlington the sum of ffifty pounds to be paid within one year after my decease alsoI give and bequeath unto my ----------- Elizabeth fflint the sum of ffifty pounds to be paid her within one year of my decease and all the rest --------- and ----------- ---------- of my goods chattels debts securities wheresoever I give and bequeath unto my beloved wife Sarah Bennett to be under her direction and disposal during her life but if my said beloved wife shall happen to dye in this life time of my said son ------------ then I will and direct -------------- it is my mind and intent that all such my personal estate and effects so given to my wife shall imediataley after her decease come to and -------- in my said son James but if my said son James --- all dye in the life time of his said mother without leavingissue of his body then living then and in that case the whole of the said personal estate and ------------ shall be the sole property of my said beloved wife Sarah Bennett and shall be at her gift and disposal and if she makes no gift or disposal thereof the same shall go to her next of kin of her own blood according to the said statute of distribution and I bequeath my said wife to bring up maintain and ------------- my said son James til he attains his age of twenty one years and ifhe marries before that time without her consent I request her to allow him thirty pounds a year til his legacy of ffive hundred pounds is payable and in case my said beloved wife shall happen to dye during the minority of my said son James I request my friends Mr Joseph Pateman of Wimpple and James Walters of Eworth in Bedfordshire to take care of his property for him till payable and in that case I give each of them ffive gineas for their trouble and lastly I appoint my said beloved wife Sarah Bennett sole executrix of this my last will and and her with the said Joseph Pateman and James Walters guardians of my said son James in witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this twenty sixth day of November in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and ninty five James Bennett signed sealed published and declared by the said James Bennett the testator as and for his last will and testament in his predsence and in the presence of each other have hereunto set our names as witnesses in the third line from the top Samuel Custerson Wm Nash
"This will was proved at London the ninth day of ffeburary in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and ninty seven before the Right honourable Sir William Wynne knight doctor of law master keeper or commissary of the prerogative court of Cantabury lawfully constituted by the oath of Sarah Bennett widow the which of the deceased and sole executrix named in the will to whom administration was granted of all and singular the goods chattels and credits of the deceased having been sworn by commission duly to administer
Anne Clarke, Widow, 1815. [Document] [Buried at Wimpole 1815, aged 64]
"In the Name of God Amen.
"I, Anne Clarke, widow late of ------------- in the parish of Enfield and now of the parish of Wimpole in the County of Cambridge do this twentieth day of December in the year of our Lord One thousand eight hundred and ffourteen make and publish this my last will and testament in manner and form following.
"I give and bequeath unto my dear brother Thomas Gadd of the parish of Wimpole in the County of Cambridge all my personal estate and property whatsoever & wherever and what nature ind and quality ---------- the same may be for his own use and benefit absolutely and I do hereby constitute and appoint my said brother Thomas Gadd the sole executor of this my last will and testament in witness hereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal the day and year first above written.
"= Anne x Clarke = her mark DC signed declared and published as and for her last will and testament in the presence of us, Robert Elliston, Richard Elliston.
"Proved at London 20th ffeburary 1815 before the judge by the brother of Thomas Gadd the brother the sole executor to whom administration granted he having been first sworn by commission duly to administer."
Joseph Cracknell, Victualler [dated: a person providing or selling food or other provisions], 1804. [Document] [Married Margaret Hagger, botp, at Wimpole 1794]
"This is the Last Will and testament of Mr Joseph Cracknell of Wimpole in the county of Cambridge, Victuallor, ffirst I give and bequeath unto Richard Cracknell my brother Samson Cracknells youngest son and to his heirs executors and assigns all and every my messuages cottages lands & tenements and haredits? In the parish of Melbourn in the County of Cambridge -------- of the manor of ------- argenties? And Trayers? In Melbourn aforesaid I likewise give and bequeath to the aforesaid Richard Cracknell the sum of twenty pounds to be paid by my executors herein after named to ------ the expenses of admission to the estate aforesaid and --------- also I give and bequeath to my brother William Cracknells son and daughter the sum of ten pounds each and likewise to Charles Barthams? Two sons the sum of ten pounds each to be paid by my executors herein after named , all the residue and remainder of my goods chattels cattel? Money debts and everything that shall be left after the aforesaid legacies &c are paid I give and bequeath to James Cracknell my brother Thomas Cracknell my brother and – Susan Porter my sister which are to be sold and divided equally between my brother James and Thomas Cracknell and my sister Susan -- Porter ------- and ------- alike and lastly I do appoint my brother James Cracknell and Henry Chapman? Of Orwell in the county of Cambridge school master executors of this my last will and testament
"In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this seventeenth day of august in the year of our Lord 1803 the mark and seal of Joseph Cracknell @ signed sealed published and declared by the said Joseph Cracknell as and for this last will and testament in the presence of us who have set our names ? mas witnesses in the presence of the testator and each other Geo Smith Wm Sheldrick
"This will was proved on the twenty fourth day of May in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and four before the worshipful Marice? Swabey doctor of law ---------- of the right honourable Sir William --------- knight doctor of law master keeper or commissary of the prerogative court of Cantabury lawfully constituted by the oath of James Cracknell the brother of the deceased and Henry Kidman the executors named in the said will to whom afdministation of all and singular the goods chattels and credits of the deceased was granted the ------------- been sworn duly to admon
William Godfrey, Yeoman, 1705. [Document]
"In the Name of God Amen I William Godfrey of Wimple in the County of Cambridge yeoman being infirm in body but of sound and perfect memory and understanding praise be God for the same do make this my last will and testament in manner following viz Imprimis I give and bequeath unto my loving brother John Godfrey the sum of ffifty pounds of lawful money of England
"Item all the rest of my goods chattels and personal estate whatsoever wheresoever and of what kind so ever my debts legacies and ffuneral expenses being first paid and discharged I give and bequeath unto my two brothers Thomas Godfrey and John Godfrey equally to be divided between them and do make and appoint my said brothers Thomas and John Godfrey executors of this my last will and testament and lastly I do hereby revoke all former wills by me made. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal the seventeenth day of July anno domo 1705 signed sealed published and declared in the presence of Willm Godfrey – Brown the marke of Constance Dirkinson?
Martha Kefford, [and John Kefford], 1810. [Document]
"October 20 1810 under £100
"John Kefford of Wimpole in the County of Cambridge Victualler Martha Kefford wife sole executrix with will annexed granted to Samual Blows & Jos Pateman as Exors of the sd Martha Kefford having died without obtaining probate. The said Martha Kefford sole devised legatee wife
"October 20 1810 under £100
"Martha Kefford of Wimpole in the County of Cambridge Widow Samuel Blows of Cambridge and Jos Pateman of Wimpole exors Martha Blows John Thomas and Martha Blows ---------- legacies Grand --- Grandchildren John grand--- Martha Blows all her linen to her three grandchildren John Thomas and Martha Blows the residue of her personalty equally"
Elizabeth Kirby, Widow, 1781. [Document]
"In the Name of God Amen
"I Elizabeth Kirby of Wimpole in the County of Cambridge, widow, being sound in body and mind do make publish and declare this my last will and testament in manner and form following that is to say ffirst I will that all my -------- ---------- and ffuneral charges be paid and discharged by my executor hereafter named also I give and bequeath to my daughter Mary the now wife of Adam Whitby all my wearing apparel both linen? And woollen also one quantity of ten shillings a year to be paid her by my executor hereafter named during the joint lives of them the said Adam and Mary Whitby by equal quarterly payments and if it so ever happen that my said daughter should be diserted of her husband or be left a widow then and from the time of such desertion or commencement of her widowhood & give and bequeath to her the further anninuity of ten shillings a year now to be paid her in like manner by my executor during the remainder of her natural life all the rest residue and remainder of my worldly goods and effects & whatsoever and wheresoever I give bequeath and demise to my grandson Thomas ----------- of ---------- ---------- whom I do likewise nominate -------- and appoint full and sole executor of this my last will and testament hereby revoking all former wills by --- howsoever made -------- witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this twenty sixth day of December and in the year of our lord one thousand seven hundred and sixty nine Elizabeth Kirby her mark x signed sealed published and declared by the above named Elizabeth Kirby as and ---- her will and testament in the presence of us who have hereunto subscribed our name as witnessed hereafter in the presence of the said testrix and in the presence of each other Robt Challand jun Daniel Flack?
"I Elizabeth Kirby of Wimple in the County of Cambridge in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and seventy four make and publish this my codiril? To my last will and testament in manner following to wit I give and bequeath to my grandson Robert Kirby of Bourn in the county of Cambridge twenty pounds to be paid him by my executor Thomas Sparks? And it is my desire that this present codiril? Be annexed to and made part of my will and estament to all -------- and purpose
"In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal the day and year above written Elizabeth Kirby X her mark signed sealed published and declared by the above named Elizabeth Kirby as and for her last will and testament in the presence of us who have hereunto subscribed our names as ------------- thereto in the presence of the testatrix and in the presence of each other Robert Challand Richard Pateman
"This will was proved at London on the ----------- day of May in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and eighty one before the right worshipful Peter Calvert? Doctor of Law master keeper or commission? Of the prerogative court of Cantabury carefully --------- by the oath of Thomas Sparkes otherwise Spark the sole executor named in the said will to whom administration was granted of all and singular the goods chattels and credits of the said deceased he having been first sworn by commission duly to administor "
Mary Robinson, 1826. [Document]
"These are to certify that I appoint George ------------ esq of Elistow wholly and solely my executor as witness my hand this ninth day of June one thousand eight hundred and twenty six Mary Robinson H Wimpole house Jun 9th 1826 witness Thos Wilkie H Mary Lyons
"Proved at London 5th July 1826 before the worshipful Charles Coole? Doctor of law and ---------- by the oath of George Horsley? Esq the sole executor to whom admon was granted having been first sworn duly to admin"
William Waterman, 1706. [Document]
"In the Name of God Amen
"I William Waterman of the parish of Wimple in the County of Cambridge being sick in body but sounds in mind and memory (thanks be to God for it) Doe make this my last will and testament in manner and forme following viz Imprimis I give unto Lydia my loving Wife the summe of two hundred pounds of good and lawfull money of England provided she be not now with Child. But if she be with child then my will is that she shall have one hundred and forty pounds to be paid by my executor herein named within six months after my decease
"Item I give to the child that shall be borne of the body of the said Lydia one hundred and forty pounds to remaine in the hands of my executor (he giving security for the same) and the interest of the said hundred and forty pounds shall be paid to the said Lydia for maintenance of the child till it shall come to the age of one and twenty years and then the said hundred and forty pounds to be at the disposal of the said child
"Item I give unto my nephew William Thomson junr the summe of ten pounds provided the said Lydia be not now with child and my sister Susan Thomson five pounds with the same provisoe Item I give unto my Mother Elizabeth Spires all that money which has of mine now in her hands
"Item I give to Henry Prior my brother in law all that money of mine he has now in his hands Item I give unto my brother Robert Waterman the summe of ten pounds upon the aforesaid provisoe
"Item my will is that if the said Lydia be not now child my executor shall pay her one hundred pounds within six months after my decease and the other hundred pounds in six months after that viz within twelve months after my decease
"Item I make my brother John Waterman of the parish of Buestead in the County of Hertford my executor desiring him to see this my will fulfilled In witness of all which I have sett my hand and seale the second day of February Anno Domini one thousand seven hundred and six in the fifth yeare of the reigne of our Souveraigne Anne over England & Queen Will Waterman signed and sealed and declared to be the last will and testament of William Waterman in presence of us Mary Bayly Eliz. Newlin Richard Desy?"
Thomas Woodcock, Yeoman, 1758. [Document]
"In the Name of God Amen
"I Thomas Woodcock of Wimple in the County of Cambridge, yeoman, being in good health and sound of mind memory and understanding (praise be God for the same ) considering the --------- of ------------- life do make and publish this my last will and testament in manner and form following (that is to say) first I give and --------- all my estate both freehold and copyhold (which copyhold I shall immediately surrender to the use of my wife situate lying on being in Orwell in the said County of Cambridge and also all my real estates whatsoever and wheresoever the ------------- ------- Britain whereof I shall dye possed? – interest in or intitled to unto my brother George Woodcock of the City of ----------- Innkeeper and his assigns for and during the term of his natural life and from and after his decease there to my brother the reverend John Woodcock of the city of Hereford clerke and his assigns for and during the term of his natural life and from and after his decease then to my sister Mary the now wife of ------------ 0akley of the City of Worcester aforesaid Gent and her assigns for and during the term of her natural life and from and after her decease then to my sister Elizabeth Bennett of the city of Worcester, Widow, and her assigns for and during the term of her natural life and from and immediately after her decease remainder to my nephew John Woodcock son of the said -------------George Woodcock his heirs and assigns forever All and singular my goods chattels and personal estae of what---------- or kind soever and wheresoever I give and bequeath the same (after payment of my just debts and funeral) Unto my said brothers George Woodcock John Woodcock and to my said sister Mary Oakley equally to be divided amogst them share and share alike and lastly revoking and making void all former and other wills by me heretoafter made
"I so declare this only to be my last will and testament and do hereby nominate and appoint my said brother George Woodcock sole executor in witness whereof I the said Thomas Woodcock the testator have hereunto set my hand and seal this seventeenth day of ffebruary in the year of our Lord one year of King George the second over Great Britain and so forth Thomas Woodcock signed sealed published and declared by the above named Thomas Woodcock the testator as and for his last will and testament in the presence of uswho af--------- in his presence subscribed our names as witnesses hereunto ------------------ --------- Ambrose Taylor David Lile --------- ------------"

This page was last updated on: 22 October 2020.

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